Assertiveness English in Conference Speaking - Advanced (全英語授課) (延後招生至 5/21) 確定開班 加入購物車


授課日期:2024-05-21 - 2024-07-09
授課時間:18:30 - 21:30 (二)
授課教室: 師大圖書館校區或校本部
連絡電話:02-7749-5837 馮小姐
加入行事曆:Google日曆 (停開班以網站為準)





As lessons are developed with working people in mind, this course is designed to help students with their everyday working needs, as well as to enhance their English. This course is for professionals who are aiming to deliver speeches in international conferences either on or offline. Though more and more conferences are going online due to technology advances and the ongoing virus, there is still much a person can do to increase their speaking ability in front of a large number of people.

In this course, we will cover higher level speaking skills, which will help develop confidence while speaking in public and the ability to debate, handle questions and so on.

We will increase your vocabulary to enable you to write and talk more fluently about your work or company, as well as giving you the ability to paraphrase.

During the course, students will give an oral presentation.



1. Use and learn vocabulary specific to your industry.
2. Further develop confidence in giving opinions.
3. Being comfortable talking in front of large numbers of people.



Lectures, discussions, pair, and group work, speaking in English.



Week 1    Introduction and opening (ice breaking, socializing)
Week 2    Strong introductions
Week 3    Dealing with illustrations/ purpose
Week 4    Knowing your purpose/ personality
Week 5    Ted Talks
Week 6    your presentation
Week 7    taking questions/ Ending strongly
Week 8    review



於第一堂說明 / 老師自編講義


This course is suitable for:

1. Intermediate or higher students.
2. TOEIC score above 600.
3. This course aims to develop professional skills to roughly 800 level.

師資說明 — Mike



MA Globalization Metropolitan University, Manchester, U.K.
BA Sociology and Media Studies, City University London.


Professional Experience:

I have well over 15 years of teaching experience of both children of all ages and adults from my time in Korea and Taiwan as well as over ten years' experience editing academic texts (various dissertations), travel information for Xinbei City Government, financial institutions and creating test material for TOEIC, TOEFL and BULATS. 

As a result , I have an excellent working knowledge of those tests in terms of both writing the material and teaching and therefore helping students to reach their goals.

In Taiwan I have also gained experience of teaching business writing and presentation skills to business people in a variety of companies as well as IELTS and TOEFL test preparation.

I have worked in several Universities in Taiwan such as Mingchuan where I taught classes related to tourism and marketing.  

Aside from these experiences, I have also recently been working towards preparing my PhD proposal , which I hope to begin in the near future.

My own research interests are related to travel, food and nostalgia.




  1. 五人(含)以上團體報名(需報名同一班,並同時繳費)
  2. 本校在職教職員工及其眷屬(限父母、配偶、子女)、本校退休教職員工、本校校友及本校在校學生及65歲(含)以上銀髮族。(憑身分證明文件)(本校含師大附中)
  3. 本院學員續讀者或加報同季別課程者。

 ※ 續讀者:原上課編號開頭為1042,報名1043課程。本季學員報名下季課程,中間沒有間斷。

 ※ 已繳費但因故停止招生,報名下季課程享有續讀8折優惠,但僅能使用郵局劃撥或現場繳費,例如:學員報名1053課程已繳費但停止招生,報名1054課程,享有8折優惠。

  1. 使用師大人悠遊認同卡(玉山銀行)刷卡
  2. 國立臺灣大學系統(國立臺灣大學、國立臺灣科技大學)教職員工(憑服務證明文件)。



  1. 三人(含)以上團體報名(需報名同一班,並同時繳費)
  2. 同時報名二班(含)以上者(同時繳費)
  3. 身心障礙人士報名(需出具身心障礙證明/鑑輔會證明)
  4. 特約廠商(需出具職員證)



  1. 本院推廣教育班次舊生(範例:原上課編號開頭為1041,報名1043課程)
  2. 開課日二週前報名繳費者



  1. 報名前請先參見:檔案下載>「臺師大進修推廣學院推廣非學分班注意事項」。
  2. 未開班退費、因個人因素申請退費,本院辦理學員退費入帳所需時間約4週。
  3. 需完成註冊及繳費才視為報名成功。未完成繳費者視同未報名成功,不保留名額。
  4. 若該班「額滿」,而您尚未繳費,則請勿繳費,若您誤繳學費則為您辦理全額退費或轉班。
  5. 課程不提供旁聽服務,一經報名亦不得轉讓他人。
  6. 敬請留意報名課程之開課日期及上課時間,正常開課情形下,本院於各課程開課日前,會以簡訊發送開課通知提醒上課學員,亦可主動來電詢問,恕無法因未收到簡訊通知要求退費或補課。
  7. 個人因素無法上課或插班加入課程,無法提供補課服務。
  8. 為尊重著作權,上課不得錄音錄影。
  9. 為提升服務品質,將不定期於課堂中進行問卷調查,屆時請學員協助填寫。
  10. 結業證明書自結業日期起保留1年,逾期資料不予保留,須自費申請結業證明書補發。
  11. 非學分班學員修業期滿,凡該班缺課時數達三分之一者,即不發給結業證明書。(EX:課程總時數為30小時,缺課時數達10小時即不發給結業證明書)
  12. 【線上同步課程-研習期滿】
  • 結業後,可自行上網下載本校進修推廣學院非學分班修讀證明。下載步驟
  • 若需申請繳費收據,請於結業前來電,並留下可收取掛號信的地址,以確保收件,謝謝。
